Business Insurance and Professional Indemnity

Through the Specialist Risk Group (Miles Smith) ATaC members are provided with insurance solutions that protect against the unique risks associated with the asbestos industry.

ATaC / ARCA has worked with Specialist Risk Group (Miles Smith) for over 30 years to provide members with insurance solutions that protect against the unique risks associated with the asbestos industry.

To further enhance its product and service offering, Specialist Risk Group, the parent company of Miles Smith and Specialist Risk Insurance Solutions, made some changes to its Group structure in 2020.

The expert team at Specialist Risk are available to provide insurance advice and solutions for ATAC members, the relationship works in the following way:

Miles Smith

Now part of Specialist Risk Group, Miles Smith provides Specialist Risk Insurance Solutions with access to its market-leading asbestos insurance scheme, allowing Specialist Risk Insurance Solutions to tailor an insurance programme that is bespoke and tailored to the needs of each and every ATaC member.

Specialist Risk Insurance Solutions

Specialist Risk Insurance Solutions is the leading adviser in asbestos insurance in the UK, providing specialist advice and arranging robust insurance cover for many businesses operating in the asbestos industry.

The business, formerly known as Miles Smith Insurance Solutions, has been providing insurance solutions to asbestos companies for over 30 years so are well versed in the risks faced in this industry.

Despite the change of name, you can be sure that you are still working with the same specialist team who are highly experienced in crafting bespoke insurance programmes to suit the needs of the individual asbestos businesses.

Services include:

  • Insurance placement and advice
  • Risk Management Programmes
  • Combined Liability
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Motor Fleet
  • Contract Works
  • Material Damage and Business Interruption
  • Machinery and Plant
  • Directors' and Officers'
  • Legal Expenses
  • Cyber
  • Crime

Personal Accident and Travel

For advice John Madden, the Client Director for ARCA/ATaC can be contacted by ATaC members. John has extensive experience of working with specialist trades, specifically asbestos and waste, and has helped develop the Miles Smith asbestos scheme into the highly successful product it is today.

Members can contact John directly on 020 7977 4873 or 07764 928 953.

The Specialist Risk office can be contacted at 020 7977 4800 or email enquiries can be sent to

Alternatively, you can visit their website